Thursday, October 4, 2007

First Post WAY LATE

So, I had this overwhelming feeling of confusion for about the first month of taking this class. I'm not necessarily they shy type, but I didn't know anyone in the class so I was trying to figure everything out by myself including this blogging process. Well, I spent the first month of class not understanding why I couldn't get to Ms. Lambiase's blog site. And I thought it was my computer so I was trying other computers to come to the realization that I was typing in her email instead of the site address. So, here I am, never have had such a horrible feeling of stupidity, but I suppose it happens to the best of us!?
With all this said, I receive all of my news from reading the Dallas Morning News, checking,,, and many more online news sites. I am actually taking JOUR 3340 this semester with Neil Foote and it's an online journalism course where we basically do nothing but check news online and research different online news web pages. It's very interesting and has made me a lot more interested in online journalism.
I am studying journalism in hopes to someday be a music journalist so I like to read music magazines and stay up to date in the "music world" too.

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