Friday, November 30, 2007

Men...what to say about them

Men are not all dumb animal-like creatures. There are many sophisticated leaders in men. However, as far as media, stupid men do sell. The woman were the weak figures in media for so long and now it seems to be a toss-up of who is the superior figure. As far as adult tv shows go, stupid men are the funny money-makers in media. Chivalry is dead in today's word and it's because, in my opinion, men have lost their respect and courage with woman so there is a slight part of me that enjoys watching men being the "idiots" in media.

However, I do feel that men are necessary!

Dove and Axe

Quite honestly speaking on this topic?
What's the big deal? I understand Axe has crazy naughty advertisements that kids don't understand even if they see it, but Dove doesn't and not many people even know the link between the two companies. They are marketing two different things to different types of people so why the controversy?

It's just like any company today producing two differnt types of product, no one should question it. It's the life of marketing and money making.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Porn or entertainment?

I have not posted in some time now, but I was gathering the most information of the lectures over that few weeks. For the last few classes, we have been discussing the topic of "pornographic" images in the media. The advertisements, pictures, music videos, commercials, etc. are all examples of where these images are being shown. Even on channels that younger viewers have access too. It's sad to be honest. When I was younger, I wasn't allowed to watch all of the shows on MTV because of some of the language and so-called "nudity"; however, looking back to the 80's and 90's MTV compared to today's MTV, today is much more offensive, especially to the female body. It's ridiculous what the younger generations are exposed to. I am offended by some of the music videos and what they are portraying in the music world. I am studying journalism in hopes to become a music journalist so studying these topics are very interesting to me. I searched "little girl dancing mtv" just to see what would be exposed on and there was one video that really bothered me. It was a little girl dancing like shakira. She could be no more than 5 and it was not dance moves a 5 year old should be see and imitating.

The video documentary we watched in class about porn in music videos was an interesting video. I was not bothered by it at all anymore than I am bothered by it watching the videos in my own time. However, some of the music videos I have not seen yet and just added to my list of shocking music videos. Rap videos are the absolute worst. They itemize females to sell the awful lyrics they write. Some rap is decent so I am not completely bias when it comes to music. However, I have noticed rap artists take innocent classic songs and turn them into a porn video with awful words. It's just disturbing.

On a different topic of music videos, advertisements in general in the media today bother me. I think some advertisements are uncalled for. For example, the AXE commercials and video on their web page is ridiculous. AXE does smell good, but is all of the sex references really necessary? I don't think so. I don't know what it's like to have a flawless body, but my negativity to media advertisement have nothing to do with jealousy, it has to do with respect for the human body and our future generations.